Recruiting Video Change the World – Edition 2025
July 13, 2022 −
Racyics is thrilled to announce the release of Silicon Saxony’s recruiting video “Change the World – Edition 2025” (from minute 21:57 it becomes very interesting). Among 15 Saxon companies, Racyics had the chance to show its expertise in this fantastic film. For more information, please visit: Change The World – Silicon Saxony e.V. (
We all know that smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices have one thing in common: none of them would be possible without chip design. Demands grow, but at the same time the interest of young people pursuing careers in these fields is declining. Therefore, Silicon Saxony and Blackfire Medien GmbH produced a video similar to a Netflix episode to attract young professionals for jobs in chip design.
Because everyone was excited about the final version of the movie, we’ve invited all colleagues during lunch to watch it together.
The trailer can be found here: Change The World | Trailer – YouTube.
A big thanks to our employees for participating in this film.